Women & Children

Women & Children at the Centre of Change


Continuum of care means helping moms and kids from when they’re born to when they’re grown ups. We want to stop the cycle of health problems passing from one generation to the next. By taking care of moms, newborns, and children, we can make sure everyone grows up healthy and strong.
Sure, here’s a simplified version of the provided information, broken down into easy-to-understand points:


- Helping moms and newborns get better care.
- Making sure high-risk pregnancies get special attention.
- Making it easier for moms to have their babies in hospitals.
- Making sure newborns get all their shots and only breastfeed.


- Encouraging moms to have their babies in hospitals.
- Making sure all babies get their shots.
- Encouraging moms to breastfeed only.


- Finding and fixing when kids don't have enough food.
- Teaching people how to give better care to kids.
- Making sure kids get all the help they need.


- Teaching teenagers about food, making babies, and treating each other fairly.
- Training young people to help their communities.
- Making sure teenagers can handle their feelings well.


- Helping communities fight against violence towards women.
- Giving mental and legal help to women who face violence.
- Teaching people about family planning so they can choose when to have babies.

The Human Rights Awakening Team cares about making things fair for everyone, especially girls and women. We work on this in all our programs because it's a big reason why some people don't get good healthcare. When girls and women are treated unfairly, it makes it hard for everyone to be healthy. So, we make sure to help fix this unfairness in everything we do.

Our Focus Areas

The Human Rights Awakening Team helps neighborhoods and public health systems in cities. We use what we know works to solve health problems. Our focus is on making sure everyone can be healthy, especially those who need extra help. We use facts to create plans that really make a difference in city life.

Maternal and Child Health

We help moms and kids stay healthy by working with neighborhoods. Our goal is to tackle health and food issues starting from pregnancy all the way to when kids grow up. We’re here for every step of the journey.

Public System and Partnership

We team up with public systems to make services better for communities that need more support. Together, we make sure everyone gets the help they need.

Empowerment, Health and Sexuality of Adolescents

We help teenagers be healthier and happier. We also create places where teenagers feel comfortable getting the healthcare they need.

Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children

We team up with communities and public systems to stop and deal with gender-based violence in a complete way.


Empowering Communities:

- The Human Rights Awakening Team works with groups of people who need extra help.
- They help these communities learn how to take better care of their health.
- They also teach about fairness between men and women.
- The Human Rights Awakening Team shows people how to use the resources they already have to stay healthy.

Strengthening Systems:

- The Human Rights Awakening Team has a special way of helping that supports the government's health and safety plans.
- They help make sure the care people get is really good.
- Instead of starting from scratch, they help improve what's already there.

Advancing Research:

- The Human Rights Awakening Team thinks learning, checking, and showing results are really important.
- They use what they learn to do things better and faster.
- They work on big plans based on what they learn to help make new rules about health.

Other Programmes

We also help young women learn to be nurse aides, giving them skills and confidence. And we help communities deal with serious illnesses, like cancer, to make life easier. We do this with care and knowledge.

Reach & Impact


Women, children, adolescents and families directly reached


Reduction in stunting among children under two years of age


Antenatal Care Clinics of public Health Posts functional in intervention areas


Survivors of violence accessing counselling services reported reduction in violence and distress levels

Women's Health and Child Rights: A Human Rights Perspective

Women's Health:

- Every woman has the right to good health.
- Women should have access to healthcare services without discrimination.
- They should have control over their bodies and reproductive choices.
- Protection from gender-based violence is crucial for women's health.
- Women should receive support during pregnancy and childbirth. - Education and awareness about women's health issues are essential.

Child Rights:

- Every child has the right to survival, development, and protection.
- Children should be protected from all forms of abuse, exploitation, and violence.
- They have the right to education, healthcare, and a safe environment.
- Children should be allowed to express their opinions and be heard.
- Equality and non-discrimination are fundamental for child rights.
- Governments should prioritize the best interests of the child in all decisions and actions.

The key points about women's health and child rights mentioned in the Indian Constitution:

Women's Health:

- The Indian Constitution guarantees equality to women under Article 14.
- Article 15 prohibits discrimination on grounds of sex.
- Article 42 directs the State to ensure just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief.
- The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, ensures maternity leave and benefits for women employees.
- The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, protects women from domestic abuse.

Child Rights:

- Article 15 prohibits discrimination against children.
- Article 24 prohibits child labor under the age of 14 in hazardous industries.
- Article 39(f) directs the State to ensure children are not abused and are given opportunities to grow.
- The Right to Education Act, 2009, guarantees free and compulsory education for children aged 6 to 14.
- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, safeguards the rights of children in conflict with the law.

Join Our Team: Champions for Women and Child Health

Join us in making a real difference in the lives of women and children by advocating for their health and rights.
Become part of a team dedicated to empowering women and children through accessible healthcare services and support programs.
Contribute to creating positive change in communities by championing initiatives that improve the health and well-being of women and children.
Join a team committed to advocating for gender equality and ensuring that women and children have equal access to quality healthcare services.
Work in a collaborative and supportive environment where your ideas and efforts to enhance women and child health are valued and encouraged.
Grow both personally and professionally through opportunities for skill development, training, and advancement in the field of women and child health.

Be part of a passionate team dedicated to a noble cause – ensuring that every woman and child receives the care and support they need to thrive.

For the Community and the Environment

We are a non-profit

All funds we raise go to environmental protection activities.


We plant different species of trees to preserve the natural balance of ecosystems.

Local communities

We involve residents of municipalities in our actions and create green spaces for them.

Partnership with local governments

We plant trees in areas designated by local governments and in need of afforestation

A chance to survive

We choose the right species for the area and plant trees with a covered root system.

Business + CSR

We enable companies to join in environmental efforts.