Legal Aid And Awareness

About Us

“We must stop constantly fighting for human rights and equal justice in an unjust system, and start building a society where equal rights are an integral part of the design.”
~ Jacque Fresco
“The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India”.
~ Article 14, Constitution of India
It was with these very ideals that Legal Aid Trust (a registered NGO) was established in 2013 ...

What we do

Legal Aid

We offer vital legal aid to those in need, ensuring access to justice for all. Our dedicated team provides support, guidance, and representation to individuals facing legal challenges, empowering them to assert their rights and navigate the legal system effectively.

Legal Awareness

Through dynamic legal awareness initiatives, we educate communities on key socio-legal issues, fostering understanding and empowerment. Our activities include workshops, seminars, and outreach programs, raising awareness on topics such as human rights. By promoting legal literacy, we empower individuals to advocate for positive change.

Legal Research

Our dedicated team conducts comprehensive research on diverse socio-legal issues, delving into complex legal frameworks to generate valuable insights. Through rigorous analysis and scholarly investigation, we contribute to a deeper understanding of pressing societal challenges, informing policy decisions and driving positive change in law and society.

Legal Journalism

Through our pioneering legal journalism efforts, we integrate and disseminate crucial legal aid and awareness initiatives. Our platform serves as a beacon of information, providing insightful coverage of legal developments, advocacy efforts, and societal impacts. By amplifying voices and fostering dialogue, we empower individuals to engage with the law and drive positive change.

Legal Intervention

With vigilance and dedication, we monitor diverse socio-legal issues, ready to intervene by engaging with relevant forums and stakeholders. Whether through advocacy, litigation, or policy dialogue, our proactive .approach ensures timely action to address injustices and uphold rights. We stand as a steadfast ally in the pursuit of legal equity and social justice

Legal Activism

Grounded in our belief in the power of legal activism, we take proactive steps such as filing complaints, petitions, and RTI applications. Through strategic action and advocacy, we challenge injustice, hold authorities accountable, and drive systemic change. Our commitment to legal activism fuels our mission to advance justice and protect rights.

Welcome to Huma Rights Awakening Organization

India’s First Platform Integrating Legal Aid & Awareness Initiatives

"Human Rights Awakening" is organization, an initiative that embodies our commitment to advocating for and defending human rights on a broader scale. Human Rights Awakening aims to raise awareness about human rights issues, provide legal aid and support to those whose rights have been violated, and actively engage in legal activism to bring about positive change in society.

Human Rights Awakening works tirelessly to integrate legal aid and awareness initiatives, recognizing the crucial role that law plays in safeguarding human rights. Through various activities such as disseminating information, organizing internship programs, conducting interviews with experts, and promoting research and writing in the field of human rights, we strive to empower individuals and communities to understand, advocate for, and protect their rights.

Our team at Human Rights Awakening shares the belief that law and society are deeply intertwined, and that improving one necessitates improving the other. We are dedicated to driving change and fostering a brighter future where human rights are respected and upheld for all. Through our collective efforts and commitment to promoting justice and equality, we endeavor to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Why Human Rights Awakening for Legal Aid?

Confidant To Our Clients

At Human Rights Awakening, we prioritize providing high-quality, cost-effective representation, ensuring our clients feel confident in their legal matters. Our philosophy revolves around enhancing client experience, offering personalized solutions, and delivering results that exceed expectations.

Value-Driven Approach, Client-Focused Solutions & Results

Human Rights Awakening is dedicated to meeting our clients' demands for exceptional legal services that offer value. Our focus on understanding and delivering "value" ensures client satisfaction, as we tailor solutions to their specific needs, delivering effective results that uphold their interests.

Comprehensive & Specialised Services, Diverse Sector Experience

Backed by experienced lawyers specializing in diverse sectors, our corporate practice group offers comprehensive and specialized services. This breadth of expertise enables us to provide cutting-edge legal solutions across various industries, addressing the unique challenges faced by our clients with precision and skill.

Promote Diversity

As an equal opportunity employer/organization, Human Rights Awakening fosters diversity and inclusivity. We are committed to providing equal opportunities without discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, or any other factor, ensuring a supportive and inclusive work environment for all.

A Self-Sustained Non-Government Organization (NGO)

Human Rights Awakening is proud to be a self-sustained NGO registered under the law. While prioritizing our clients' interests, we also uphold our commitment to social responsibility, leveraging our resources and expertise to make a positive impact on society and promote access to justice for all.

Legal Aid And Human Rights

Legal aid and legal awareness are integral components of human rights, ensuring that individuals have access to justice and are empowered to assert their rights effectively. Here's how they relate to human rights:

Right to Fair Trial

 Legal aid ensures that individuals, especially those who are economically disadvantaged, have access to legal representation, thus safeguarding their right to a fair trial as enshrined in various international human rights instruments.

Public System and PartnershipRight to Access Justice

 Legal aid is essential for ensuring access to justice for all, irrespective of socioeconomic status. It upholds the principle that justice should not be denied due to financial constraints, aligning with the right to access justice under international human rights law.

Right to Information

Legal awareness campaigns educate individuals about their rights and the legal mechanisms available to protect them. This promotes transparency and empowers individuals to exercise their right to seek, receive, and impart information, as recognized in human rights frameworks.

Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination

Legal aid and legal awareness initiatives aim to bridge the gap between the privileged and the marginalized, thereby promoting equality before the law and combating discrimination based on socioeconomic status or other factors, in line with human rights principles

Right to Participate in Public Affairs

Legal awareness empowers individuals to participate actively in public affairs and decision-making processes by understanding their legal rights and responsibilities, contributing to the realization of the right to participate in government, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

Our Impact

The impact of our legal aid initiatives has been profound, fostering positive change across various facets of society in India. Here are some key impacts:

Empowerment of Marginalized Communities

By providing legal aid, we have empowered marginalized communities to understand and assert their rights. This has led to increased agency among individuals and communities who were previously disenfranchised, enabling them to challenge injustices and advocate for themselves effectively.

Access to Justice

Our legal aid provision has facilitated greater access to justice for those who would otherwise struggle to navigate the legal system. By offering guidance, representation, and resources, we have ensured that individuals facing legal challenges, particularly the marginalized and vulnerable, can seek redress and uphold their rights in the face of adversity.

Prevention of Exploitation and Abuse

Through awareness-raising efforts, we have helped prevent exploitation and abuse by educating individuals about their legal rights and avenues for recourse. By equipping people with knowledge, we have empowered them to recognize and resist situations of exploitation, thereby contributing to the prevention of human rights violations.

Policy and Legal Reform

Our advocacy work has contributed to policy and legal reforms aimed at protecting and promoting human rights in India. By highlighting systemic issues, advocating for change, and supporting legislative efforts, we have played a role in shaping a legal framework that is more responsive to the needs and rights of all individuals, particularly the marginalized.

Community Engagement and Solidarity

Our initiatives have fostered community engagement and solidarity around human rights issues. By bringing people together through workshops, campaigns, and legal aid clinics, we have built networks of support and solidarity, strengthening communities' ability to collectively address human rights challenges and effect positive change.

Long-Term Impact

Importantly, our impact extends beyond immediate legal victories. By empowering individuals with knowledge and skills, fostering community resilience, and advocating for systemic change, we are laying the groundwork for long-term social transformation, where human rights are upheld, respected, and protected for all individuals in India.

For the Community and the Environment

We are a non-profit

All funds we raise go to environmental protection activities.


We plant different species of trees to preserve the natural balance of ecosystems.

Local communities

We involve residents of municipalities in our actions and create green spaces for them.

Partnership with local governments

We plant trees in areas designated by local governments and in need of afforestation

A chance to survive

We choose the right species for the area and plant trees with a covered root system.

Business + CSR

We enable companies to join in environmental efforts.