We are Human Rights Awakening Team

A global Human Rights organisation committed to the wellbeing, dignity and voice of older people.

Have a Look at How We Improve the Lives of Older People Around the World

Our Mission and Vision

Our vision is a world where all older individuals lead dignified, healthy, and secure lives. Our mission is to enhance the wellbeing and inclusion of older women and men while reducing poverty and discrimination in later life.

By advocating for their rights and providing necessary support, we aim to ensure that older people are valued, respected, and integrated into society, enjoying a quality life free from deprivation and prejudice. Through our efforts, we strive to create a society that recognizes and celebrates the contributions and needs of its older population.

Demographics for an Ageing World


people will be aged 60 years or over by 2030


older people will make up more than one-fifth of the total population by 2050


of older people will live in low- and middle-income countries by 2050


the number of people aged ≥ 80 years by 2050

What We Do

Respond to Humanitarian Crises

1. Provide immediate relief and medical aid to older people affected by disasters.
2. Ensure access to food, clean water, and shelter during emergencies.
3. Offer psychosocial support to address trauma and mental health issues.
4. Collaborate with local agencies to rebuild and restore affected communities.

Improve Income Security

1. Advocate for pension schemes and social security benefits for older adults.
2. Promote income-generating activities and vocational training for older people.
3. Ensure access to financial services and support for small businesses run by seniors.
4. Implement policies that protect older workers from age-related job discrimination.

Support Healthy Ageing

1. Promote regular health check-ups and preventive care for older adults.
2. Encourage physical activities and fitness programs tailored for seniors.
3. Provide access to nutritious food and dietary guidance.
4. Support mental health through counseling and social engagement activities.

Create a Society for All Ages

1. Foster intergenerational programs that promote understanding and cooperation. 2. Ensure public spaces and services are accessible and senior-friendly. 3. Advocate for inclusive policies that address the needs of all age groups. 4. Celebrate the contributions of older people in various societal roles.

Act on Climate Change

1. Educate older adults on the impacts of climate change and sustainable practices. 2. Advocate for policies that address the specific vulnerabilities of seniors to climate change. 3. Support older individuals in disaster preparedness and resilience building. 4. Promote the involvement of older people in environmental conservation efforts.

Advance Gender Equality

1. Fight against gender-based violence and discrimination affecting older women.
2. Advocate for equal access to healthcare, education, and economic opportunities.
3. Support older women’s leadership and participation in decision-making processes.
4. Address the specific health and social needs of older men and women equally.

Protect the Rights of Older People

1. Advocate for the implementation of laws protecting the rights of older adults.
2. Provide legal assistance and support to older individuals facing abuse or neglect.
3. Raise awareness about the rights and contributions of older people.
4. Ensure older adults have access to information and services that uphold their rights.

Challenge Ageism

1. Launch awareness campaigns to combat stereotypes and prejudices against older people.
2. Promote positive images and stories of older adults in media and public discourse.
3. Educate younger generations about the value and contributions of seniors.
4. Advocate for policies that eliminate age-based discrimination in all areas of life.

The impact of our work


older people supported across Ukraine


older people helped by our humanitarian emergency work


older people reached through 15,000 Older People's Associations


partners' work funded globally



When we bring together those who have, with those who have not — miracle happens. Become a hero by joining with us. You can donate and volunteer with us to meet new friends, gain new skills, get happiness and have fun!




Projects Completed


Agencies Partnered


Total Beneficiary

The Indian Constitution provides several provisions for the welfare and protection of elderly citizens, reflecting the nation’s commitment to ensuring their rights and dignity. Here are the key constitutional provisions relevant to elderly welfare:

Constitutional Provisions for Elderly Welfare in India

Right to Work, Education, and Public Assistance​

Article 41
Right to Work, Education, and Public Assistance

This article directs the State to make effective provisions for securing the right to work, education, and public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness, and disablement, and in other cases of undeserved want. It highlights the State’s responsibility to support elderly citizens.

Right to Work, Education, and Public Assistance​

Article 41
Right to Work, Education, and Public Assistance

This article directs the State to make effective provisions for securing the right to work, education, and public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness, and disablement, and in other cases of undeserved want. It highlights the State’s responsibility to support elderly citizens.

Article 46
Promotion of Educational and Economic Interests

Although primarily focused on the promotion of the educational and economic interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other weaker sections, Article 46 underscores the State’s duty to protect the interests of all vulnerable sections of society, including the elderly.

Article 21
Right to Life and Personal Liberty

This article guarantees the protection of life and personal liberty, interpreted by the Supreme Court to include the right to live with dignity. It implies that elderly individuals have the right to a dignified life, free from exploitation and neglect.

Certain Principles of Policy​

Article 39
Certain Principles of Policy

Article 39 mandates that the State shall direct its policy towards securing the right to an adequate means of livelihood for all citizens, which encompasses provisions for the economic welfare of the elderly.

Article 51A
Fundamental Duties

Article 51A(e) emphasizes the duty of every citizen to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood among all people, transcending religious, linguistic, and regional or sectional diversities. This duty extends to respecting and caring for the elderly.

Legislative Measures Supporting Elderly Welfare

In addition to the constitutional provisions, several legislative measures have been enacted to support the welfare of the elderly:
These constitutional and legislative provisions collectively emphasize the importance of ensuring the welfare, protection, and dignity of elderly citizens in India. Through awareness, advocacy, and implementation, we can work towards a society that respects and values its older population.

What We Do

Right to Dignified Living Conditions

Elders have the inherent right to live in conditions that preserve their dignity, encompassing access to safe housing, clean water, adequate nutrition, and hygienic facilities.

Ensuring Social Inclusion and Participation

Society must actively promote the social inclusion and participation of elders, providing opportunities for meaningful engagement, community involvement, and intergenerational interaction.

Protection Against Abuse and Neglect

Elderly individuals deserve protection from all forms of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, whether physical, emotional, financial, or psychological, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Access to Quality Healthcare and Support Services

Elders should have equitable access to comprehensive healthcare services tailored to their specific needs, including preventive care, medical treatment, rehabilitation, and mental health support.

Financial Security and Pension Rights

Every elder has the right to financial security and stability, including access to pensions, social security benefits, and economic assistance, enabling them to meet their basic needs and maintain a decent standard of living.

Legal Protections and Access to Justice

Legal frameworks must be strengthened to safeguard the rights of elders, providing avenues for legal recourse in cases of discrimination, exploitation, or violation of their rights, ensuring justice and accountability.

Your support will change life of an Elder

India has around 100 million elders (people over 60 years of age) and the number is estimated to reach 323 million, or 20 per cent of the total population, by 2050
elderly live alone or with spouse only
0 %
elderly population is illiterate
0 %
work for livelihood
0 %
Elders have to grapple with financial insecurity, morbidity, loneliness, vulnerability, physical weakness, social isolation and powerlessness Grandparents care for around half the orphan children

Our Projects for Destitute Elders

We reach out to destitute elderly people and help them to overcome poverty; in times of natural calamities such as floods we rescue the very old and very young people, who are the most vulnerable.

You can donate for the following causes or volunteer in any of following programs

Free Old Age Home For Elderly Women

As part of Human Rights Awakening, we advocate for and establish free old age homes exclusively for elderly women. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where these women can live with dignity, receive proper care, and enjoy companionship in their golden years, free from financial burden.


Mid-Day Meals For Elders

As advocates for human rights, the Human Rights Awakening team prioritizes the implementation of mid-day meal programs for elders. By ensuring access to nutritious meals, we aim to address food insecurity among the elderly, promote their health and well-being, and uphold their fundamental right to adequate nutrition and dignity in later life.

Sponsor Rations Monthly For Abandoned Old Women

As part of the Human Rights Awakening team, we are dedicated to sponsoring monthly rations for abandoned elderly women. By providing essential food supplies regularly, we aim to alleviate hunger and ensure their well-being. Join us in our mission to support and empower vulnerable elders in our community.

For the Community and the Environment

We are a non-profit

All funds we raise go to environmental protection activities.


We plant different species of trees to preserve the natural balance of ecosystems.

Local communities

We involve residents of municipalities in our actions and create green spaces for them.

Partnership with local governments

We plant trees in areas designated by local governments and in need of afforestation

A chance to survive

We choose the right species for the area and plant trees with a covered root system.

Business + CSR

We enable companies to join in environmental efforts.