We are Human Rights Awakening Team

A global Human Rights organisation committed to the wellbeing, dignity and voice of older people.

Why Health Care

At Human Rights Awakening, we recognize the critical importance of addressing the healthcare challenges faced by India’s vast and diverse population. With over 1.4 billion people and significant geospatial diversity, ensuring last-mile delivery of healthcare remains a formidable challenge. Accessibility and availability issues are exacerbated in remote and difficult terrains, where healthcare infrastructure is limited. Moreover, with a majority of the population residing in rural areas and urban slums, uneven distribution, and lack of awareness further hinder access to healthcare services. By bridging these gaps, we strive to support the Government of India’s vision of Ayushman Bharat and contribute to achieving Universal Health Coverage, ensuring that every individual has access to quality healthcare, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographic location.

As a Human Rights Awakening team focused on Health and Family Welfare, we undertake various initiatives to ensure that individuals and families have access to their fundamental rights to health and well-being. Here are some actions we might take:

Education and Awareness

We conduct workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs to educate people about their health rights and how to access healthcare services. This includes information about preventive measures, available treatments, and resources for mental health support.


We advocate for policies and laws that promote healthcare access for all, including marginalized communities. This involves lobbying governments, collaborating with policymakers, and raising public awareness about the importance of health as a human right.
Women & Children

Community Health Programs

We organize health camps, screenings, and vaccination drives in underserved areas to provide essential healthcare services directly to those who need them most.


We empower individuals and families to assert their rights by providing them with information, resources, and support networks. This may include legal aid services for healthcare-related issues and counseling for victims of health-related rights violations.

Monitoring and Reporting

We monitor healthcare systems and facilities to ensure they are meeting human rights standards, and we report any violations or deficiencies to relevant authorities. This includes advocating for improvements in healthcare infrastructure, quality of care, and accessibility.

Research and Data Collection

We conduct research on health disparities and the impact of social determinants on health outcomes, using data to inform our advocacy efforts and identify areas for intervention.


We collaborate with other human rights organizations, healthcare professionals, civil society groups, and international agencies to leverage resources and expertise in advancing health and family welfare as human rights priorities.
By undertaking these actions, we strive to promote the realization of health and family welfare as fundamental human rights, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
The Indian Constitution provides several provisions for the welfare and protection of elderly citizens, reflecting the nation’s commitment to ensuring their rights and dignity. Here are the key constitutional provisions relevant to elderly welfare:


Mobile Healthcare: We extend healthcare to underserved populations via fully-equipped Mobile Healthcare Units staffed with doctors and paramedics. Our units offer OPD services, point-of-care testing, and essential medicines, ensuring access to vital healthcare where it’s needed most.


We bridge the gap between remote rural communities and urban healthcare centers by establishing e-Health Kiosks and Telemedicine Centers. These facilities, manned by paramedics, facilitate virtual consultations with doctors, enabling access to specialized healthcare services for people in underserved areas, fostering health equity and well-being.

Static Clinics

In remote rural areas, we establish static healthcare centers offering OPD services, essential medicines, point-of-care testing, and counseling. With a special emphasis on physiotherapy services, these centers provide holistic care, ensuring accessibility to vital healthcare resources and promoting well-being in underserved communities.

Health Camps

We deliver tailored healthcare services to specific demographics through standalone health camps. These camps, staffed with specialized doctors, offer point-of-care tests and, at times, surgical facilities. By addressing unique needs, we ensure targeted and effective healthcare interventions, enhancing overall well-being within the community.

Govt. Convergence

We bolster the effectiveness of Government Health Centers by integrating telemedicine at sub-centers, empowering frontline workers through training, and upgrading Primary Health Centers (PHCs). This comprehensive approach extends healthcare reach, improves capacity, and ensures better access to quality medical services, fostering community health and well-being.


Encouraging Health Seeking Behaviour

Address the Disease Burden of the Company

Share Load of the Existing Government Company

Improve Access to Maternal & Child Healthcare

Strengthen & Supplement Existing Government Services

Reduce Out-of-pocket Expenses on Health Care

Promote the Goal of Universal Health Care


people sensitised on health
0 +
people benefitted through hygiene through IEC activities
0 +
of the beneficiaries were women and Children telemedicine projects
0 %
people received relief support under emergency & disaster response
0 +

Reach & Presence

261+ Projects

23 States

12 Aspirational Districts

8 Government Connect States

Stories of Change


Five year oldYash lives with his family in the JJ Colony of Noida's Sector. His father is a mechanic…


Rani lives withher family of six in Sukhraili Village,Gurugram. Her mother is the…


When Rita and Sandeep had Gaurav six months back the condition of their family was bad. Gaurav elder…

Health and Family Welfare as Human Rights: Advocacy by Human Rights Awakening Team

Awareness Campaigns

Conducting comprehensive awareness campaigns to educate communities about health and family welfare as fundamental human rights, fostering understanding and empowerment.

Policy Advocacy

Engaging in advocacy efforts to influence policy decisions and promote laws that uphold health rights and ensure access to quality healthcare services for all individuals and families.

Community Outreach

Implementing community outreach programs to reach marginalized and underserved populations, providing essential healthcare services, education, and support.

Legal Assistance

Offering legal assistance and advocacy support to individuals and families facing barriers to accessing healthcare or experiencing violations of their health rights.

Capacity Building

Providing training and capacity-building programs for healthcare professionals, frontline workers, and community leaders to enhance their understanding of health rights and improve service delivery.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring healthcare systems and facilities, documenting instances of health rights violations, and advocating for accountability and justice to ensure the protection and promotion of health rights for all.

Provisions in the Indian Constitution for Health and Family Welfare:

Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)

– Article 39: Directs the state to ensure that the health and strength of workers, men, and women, and the tender age of children, are not abused.
– Article 42: Emphasizes securing just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief.
– Article 47: Mandates the state to regard the improvement of public health as among its primary duties and to endeavor to bring about the prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are injurious to health.

Right to Life and Personal Liberty (Article 21)

– Guarantees the right to life and personal liberty, interpreted to include the right to health and medical care.

Protection of Children (Article 45)

– Mandates the state to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years.

Prohibition of Traffic in Human Beings and Forced Labor (Article 23)

Prohibits trafficking in human beings and forced labor, indirectly supporting the welfare of families.

Prohibition of Employment of Children in Factories, etc. (Article 24)

Prohibits the employment of children below the age of 14 years in factories, mines, or any other hazardous employment.

Promotion of Educational and Economic Interests of Weaker Sections (Article 46)

Emphasizes the duty of the state to promote the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the society, including Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and to protect them from social injustice and exploitation.



When we bring together those who have, with those who have not — miracle happens. Become a hero by joining with us. You can donate and volunteer with us to meet new friends, gain new skills, get happiness and have fun!




Projects Completed


Agencies Partnered


Total Beneficiary

For the Community and the Environment

We are a non-profit

All funds we raise go to environmental protection activities.


We plant different species of trees to preserve the natural balance of ecosystems.

Local communities

We involve residents of municipalities in our actions and create green spaces for them.

Partnership with local governments

We plant trees in areas designated by local governments and in need of afforestation

A chance to survive

We choose the right species for the area and plant trees with a covered root system.

Business + CSR

We enable companies to join in environmental efforts.