Education for Every Child

Empowering Tomorrow: The Impact of Education, Why Education?

Education is key to addressing various social issues like healthcare, poverty, and unemployment.

Providing education to children in need empowers them to secure a better future and become responsible citizens.

The Right to Education (RTE) Act, enacted in 2010, ensures free and compulsory education for children aged 6-14.

Despite the RTE Act, many children still face challenges in accessing quality education due to socio-economic barriers and inadequate learning environments.

By prioritizing education, we can break the cycle of poverty and inequality, paving the way for a brighter and more equitable future for all.

What We Do?

Mission Education: Empowering Every Child

The Human Rights Awakening Team's Mission Education program is dedicated to empowering underprivileged children by providing education, nutrition, and wellness support, in alignment with the principles of human rights.

Mission Education serves children aged 3-18 years, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, differently-abled children, and those affected by disasters, linking the provision of education to the fundamental human rights of these children.

By aligning with the objectives of the New Education Policy (2020) and Sustainable Development Goal 4, which emphasize quality education for all, the program ensures that children's rights to education are upheld.

By targeting children facing various challenges, including those living in remote or tribal areas, the program aims to break the cycle of poverty and promote inclusive education, thus fulfilling their rights to equal opportunities.

Through its holistic approach, Mission Education not only fosters children's academic development but also promotes their overall well-being, in accordance with the principles of human rights and dignity.

Empowering Children

A Human Rights Imperative

Right to Education

 Education is a fundamental human right recognized by international treaties and declarations, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Every child has the right to access quality education without discrimination.

reas. We all know how trees are an important part of our lives. 

Ensuring Equality

Education promotes equality by providing all children, regardless  their background or circumstances, with the opportunity to develop their full potential and contribute to society. It empowers marginalized groups, such as girls, minorities, and children with disabilities, by breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity.

Fostering Development

Education is essential for the holistic development of children, nurturing their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical well-being. It equips them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to participate actively in society, make informed decisions, and realize their rights.

Building a Better Future

Investing in children’s education is crucial for building a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future. It lays the foundation for lifelong learning, empowers individuals to break the cycle of poverty, and promotes social cohesion, tolerance, and respect for human rights.

A Comprehensive Approach to
Education Enhancement

   – Tailored Curriculum Integration

   – Innovative STEM and Experiential Education

   – Integration of Digital Learning Resources

   – Promotion of Sports and Extracurricular Activities

   – Provision of Nutritional and Healthcare Support

– Empowering Classroom Management Techniques

   – Fostering Subject-Specific Mastery

   – Cultivating Pedagogical Expertise and Student Well-being

   – Equipping Educators with Effective Teaching and Learning Tools

   – Harnessing the Potential of Digital Educational Aids

 – Advancing Infrastructure Development Initiatives

   – Harnessing Building Structures for Enhanced Learning Experiences

   – Implementing Solar Energy Solutions for Sustainable Power

   – Renovating Classrooms and Science Laboratories

   – Establishing State-of-the-Art STEM Laboratories, Libraries, and Numeracy Facilities

  – Mobilizing Local Stakeholders for Active Participation

   – Fostering Collaboration with Parent-Teacher Associations

   – Building Strong Partnerships with School Management Communities

A Comprehensive Approach to
Education Enhancement

children received quality education
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children benefitted through infrastructure support girls received vocational training support
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girls received scholarship support for higher studies
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Reach & Presence

17 Projects

23 States

12 Aspirational Districts

8 Government Connect States


From Street to School

Meet Rahul, a young boy living on the streets of Mumbai. Through our education initiative, we provided Rahul with access to schooling, breaking the cycle of poverty and giving him hope for a brighter future. Today, Rahul is thriving in school, excelling in his studies, and dreaming of becoming a doctor to help others in need.

Empowering Girls Through Education:

In rural Rajasthan, girls like Priya often face barriers to education due to cultural norms and socioeconomic challenges. Our intervention provided Priya and other girls with scholarships, enabling them to attend school and pursue their dreams. Now, Priya is a confident advocate for girls' education in her community, inspiring others to break free from gender stereotypes and reach for the stars.

Transforming Lives Through Digital Learning:

In a remote village in Odisha, access to quality education was limited until we introduced digital learning solutions. By providing tablets and e-learning resources to students, we bridged the gap between urban and rural education, empowering children like Ankit to excel academically. Ankit's improved grades and newfound passion for learning are a testament to the transformative power of technology in education.

Building a Brighter Future for Tribal Children:

In the forests of Jharkhand, tribal children often miss out on educational opportunities due to isolation and lack of resources. Our initiative established community learning centers, bringing education to their doorstep. Now, children like Maya and Arjun are receiving quality education close to home, unlocking their potential and paving the way for a brighter future for their entire community.

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments:

Inclusive education is a priority for us, especially for children with disabilities. Through our efforts, children like Sameer, who is visually impaired, have access to specialized education and support services. Sameer's journey from exclusion to inclusion has not only transformed his life but also inspired his classmates and teachers to embrace diversity and create a more inclusive society.

For the Community and the Environment

We are a non-profit

All funds we raise go to environmental protection activities.


We plant different species of trees to preserve the natural balance of ecosystems.

Local communities

We involve residents of municipalities in our actions and create green spaces for them.

Partnership with local governments

We plant trees in areas designated by local governments and in need of afforestation

A chance to survive

We choose the right species for the area and plant trees with a covered root system.

Business + CSR

We enable companies to join in environmental efforts.